
I use essential oils daily for my own self practice and in the healing room. They work fabulously well with Reiki, Intuitive healing, massages… Essential Oils have the ability to support healing and personal growth on all levels, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. They can help calm and balance, clear energy blockages, uplift and awaken, enhance intuition, facilitate meditation practice, influence our brain via the Limbic System and so much more!
Here are some of my favorite Young Living Essential oil and blends for treatments and some of their qualities.
FRANKINCENSE, perfect at the beginning of a session to bring a deep wave of relaxation and open the Crown chakra.
Frankincense has many qualities. It creates a safe and comforting environment and when you or your client seek purpose, or engage in prayer or meditation, it will help enhance the experience.
WHITE ANGELICA, my second favorite to start a treatment and for my personal practice, great over the head and shoulders and even over the entire aura to help seal it. This wonderful blend is comforting, strengthening, grounding, balancing, and stabilizing and smells amazing!
Frankincense and White Angelica have the ability to help clear energy and bring a deep feeling of support and protection. Meditating with these oils will allow you to expand your connection to our guides and to the angelic realms.

• RELEASE –An amazing calming and grounding blend that facilitates the ability to release negative emotions and move forward towards emotional freedom. It also promotes harmony and balance when diffused. Release can help increase emotional strength and encourage one to open up about the past or bottled feelings. A Must in a healing room!

Another fantastic blend useful in so many occasions:
VALOR – Great to balance right and left hemispheres of the brain, our masculine and feminine aspects and to feel safe and grounded. I use it on the soles of the feet and above the face for my client to inhale deeply, often I whisper affirmations like: ” I believe in myself, I trust myself, I value myself” Valor is perfect to support you, your loved ones or clients in time of doubt and challenge and to develop confidence.

To order Young Living Essential Oils or wellbeing products you simply become a member, without obligation, and then choose to order Retail or Wholesale (24% less and lots of gifts and advantages).

For details or to order contact me or click here.

My Distributor ID is 101 5418

If you are a therapist or practitioner (Massage, Reiki, Kynesiologist, holistic dentist…) and wish to discover how to integrate these pure therapeutics Essential oils into your practice, join our team and bring a new dimension to your business contact me.

With Soraya we are willing to share our passion and knowledge with those of you interested to use the power of aromatherapy at home and/or your practice. Sharing Young living oils as an independent distributor is easy, no pressure of any kind, and it is very rewarding.  I have replaced shampoo, conditioner, soap, tooth paste, beauty and home cleaning products with YL products. I don’t have to go shopping anymore for all these basics items, I know they are free of toxic products, ethical and powerful. Everything is delivered monthly to my door! I just love the products, their vibration and quality and I earn Reward points, which allow me to regularly treat myself with new Essential oils, meaningful and healthy gifts or beauty products that are completely Free!
Do you want to know how join our team? Contact me


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