
Drumming opens portals to the spirit world, draws spirit in, and opens you up to receive it. – Michael Drake.

A Healing Tool and a Guide to Other Realms

There are many ways of diving into a shamanic visionary state. The Medicine Drum is one of them. The vibration and regular beating of the drum induce a state of deep relaxation that calms the mind allowing the subconscious to come forward.
The beat of the Medicine drum brings us back to the first sound: our mother’s heart. It also connects us deeply with Pachamama’s energy (Mother Earth). Singing, whistling and rattles are also used in Shamanic practice. The music created by each Medicine Man or Woman contains deeply healing sounds. The vibration of the drum and voice help dissipate energy blockages.
Shamanic drumming has the power to synchronise with our brainwaves and helps bring back harmony in all the levels of our Luminous Energy field and by ripple effect on our environment.
We use Shamanic drumming to call the spirits and to ‘Journey’ and navigate the spiritual realms and different states of consciousness easily.
What is Journeying?
Shamanic drummingJourneying, a core practice of shamanism. It is used for healing, to extract negative energies, meet a power animal, retrieve the lost part of our soul, change contracts that prevent us from evolving, receive guidance…and much more. It is a fabulous tool for spiritual growth. Each journey is unique.
I offer one-on-one Journeying & Soul retrieval and share the Munay-ki rites in five individual sessions. The Munay-ki initiations offer a magical path of evolution with Love at his core. The rites help us fulfill our potential as a luminous warrior and an agent of change and transformation in the world. I also hold Shamanic Immersions, which combines shamanic teachings and different journeys and Ceremonies. Each Immersion as a different central theme.
Journeying, as well as participating in a Full Moon Fire Ceremony in group is extremely powerful. It amplifies energy created on the day and participants benefit of the exchange with others. The healing wave created extends into the field of the larger community.
Recommended book: Shamanic Drumming: Calling the Spirits by Michael Drake
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