

The Benefits of Reiki During and Beyond Pregnancy

As a Reiki practitioner and teacher, I have often given Reiki to pregnant women and sometimes guessed they were pregnant simply because their energy had radically changed. Pregnancy is a beautiful and spiritual experience but sometimes it can be accompanied by several different stressors on the mind, body, and soul. Reiki brings support and relief not only to mothers-to-be but also to the unborn babies.

The Research Is In

Already widely used in hospitals as a vital care component, Reiki is increasingly accepted for its extraordinary benefits during pregnancy. Recent research from USA Connecticut’s Hartford Hospital determined that pregnant women who use Reiki on a regular basis experience a 94 percent reduction in stress and anxiety; a 78 percent reduction in pain; and an 80 percent reduction in morning sickness. Pregnant Reiki recipients also enjoy an 86 percent improvement in quality of sleep.

Reiki during pregnancy – healing energy for mother and baby

If you’re worried that Reiki will be too strong during pregnancy, think again: Reiki is guided by gentle life force energy, and your body intuitively understands its own energy needs. Your own body is in charge and takes it in as needed and where needed most.

While Reiki’s effects vary from recipient to recipient, most pregnant women who receive Reiki report feeling more relaxed, balanced, and radiant after treatments. Reiki can also help you let go of any fears, anxieties, or negative feelings you may be experiencing during your pregnancy.

What about the baby? Your growing baby will also enjoy the soothing benefits of this complementary therapy. Several of my Reiki students kept studying with me during their pregnancy. They were able to give themselves self-Reiki daily, use the 5 precepts to transform their mind, share Reiki with the trest of the family and added benefit they shared with me that they just had to sing the kotodama (spirit sound of the Reiki symbol) for their baby to calm down and fall asleep.

Beyond Pregnancy

But Reiki isn’t only healthy during pregnancy. It can also be used for everything from treating anxiety to easing labour, delivery, and recovery. And don’t forget babies, toddlers, and kids love Reiki, too, so this ancient art of healing can be enjoyed by your family for years to come. A couple of years ago I gave regular treatments to a woman who experienced a difficult labour with her first born. She wanted to let go of all fear and her deep wish was to have an easy birth at home with her second baby. The experience was a success. Reiki offers an amazing support tio calm the nervous system and release past traumas, fear, stress etc…

For details about treatments click Here  and my personal approach of a treatment.


Research and article by IARP + my own experience


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