
A Delicious Treat that might supports your brain and heart!

Preparing healthy raw treats is a game I like. I have been thinking about using Matcha tea, a powerful anti oxidant and delicious 100% pure organic green tea leaves ground into powder, for a while. Matcha contains up to 137 times the antioxidants of regular green tea! Its taste is fresh and clean and the combination Cacao and L-theanine (in green tea) is not only delicious but describes in recent

studies as the ultimate boost that is good for your heart, lowers blood pressure and helps you pay attention.

Ingredients – All the ingredients are organic and raw.

For the base                                                                                                                                                        1 cup cashews, 1 1/2 cups organic almond meal, ½ cup shredded  coconut,  3 tbsp coconut oil, 2 tbsp Macha Maiden, a pinch of fine sea salt,  1/3 cup yacon or coconut syrup (adjust depending your taste), 2 drops Lemon Young Living Lemon oil.

For the chocolate cover
1/3 cup Yacon syrup or Coconut nectar
1/2 cup coconut oil + 8 cacao butter buttons
1/2 cup cacao powder + 1tbsp carob
2 tbsp Goji berries or shredded coconut



1. Place cashews, almonds, coconut in your blender and grind until it looks like sand.

2. Add coconut oil, yacon syrup, salt and Matcha powder process until well combined.

3. Add 2 drops Lemon Young Living Essential oil

4. Press firmly into a square or rectangular cake tin lined with baking paper.

5. Place in fridge

Cacao cover

Melt slowly cacao butter and coconut oil. Place the ingredients apart the Goji berries or Shredded coconut into a bowl and mix until smooth and well combined. Pour the chocolate over your slice and use the back of a spoon to spread it to the edges. Decorate with your chosen topping.

Place in the fridge for several hours to set.

Enjoy 🙂

Ps: You can buy Matcha online at Matcha Maiden and to buy Young Living Lemon Oil either retail or wholesale click here. My Oil Educator/Independant Distibutor number is 1015418.

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Read more about the combination cacao/green tea effects on the body.

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