Discover the Health Benefits of these 3 Amazing Seeds! 

Chia seeds A superfood packed with proteins and fibre. Offer both omega-3 and omega-6, which should be consumed in balance with one another. Chia seeds are an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory powerhouse, containing: essential fatty acids alpha-linolenic and linoleic acid, mucin, strontium, vitamins A, B, E, and D, minerals, including sulphur, Amazing Seeds!iron, iodine, magnesium, manganese, niacin and thiamine

Chia seeds’ ability to reverse inflammation, regulate cholesterol and lower blood pressure make it extremely beneficial to consume for heart health. Also, by reversing oxidative stress, someone is less likely to develop atherosclerosis if regularly consuming chia seeds.

Flaxseeds An excellent source of omega-3s and phytonutrients, flaxseeds benefits include being packed with antioxidants, including lignans and polyphenols. Lignans are unique fibre-related polyphenols that provide us with antioxidant benefits for anti-aging, hormone balance and cellular health. They help relieve constipation, support heart and skin health, potentially fight cancer, and may even boost weight loss efforts.

 Polyphenols support the growth of probiotics in the gut and may also help eliminate yeast and candida in the body.. Consider grinding them in a coffee grinder to ensure the digestive tract has easy access to their many benefits. 

Sesame Seeds

One of the most ancient foods on Earth grown primarily for their seeds and oils rather than for their leaves, fruits or vegetables.

3 Amazing Seeds!Highly valued in Eastern, Mediterranean and African cultures, sesame seeds (Sesamum indicum) have been used for thousands of years to flavour foods, provide essential fats and enhance skin health. The seeds contain up to 60 percent oil and 20 percent protein. They provide a high source of both essential fatty acids and amino acids.

Sesame seeds are known to help increase energy levels, provide a good source of protein, fibre, iron, copper (essential to maintain nerve, bone and metabolic health), manganese and calcium. They help balance hormonal levels, improve antioxydants, increase fat burning as well as help lower cholesterol, reduce blood pressure and decreased cancer cell growth.Black sesame seeds are also used in Chinese medicine to help treat issues like constipation, weakness, backaches, energise blood and improve kidneys and liver’s health.

Add these 3 Amazing Seeds to Your Meals

  • Chia seeds Can be sprinkled on your food or prepared3 Amazing Seeds!as a chia seeds porridge. They make a fabulous egg replacement and are part of my favourite GF Seeded bread recipe (as well as flaxseeds) that many of you love and my Lemon & Olive Oil cake.
  • Flaxseeds need to be ground up before consumption in order to optimise the potential health benefits. Keep them in the fridge to prevent them become rancid. They can be used as flaxseed oil. If you take blood thinner or are pregnant it’s better avoid them.
  • Sesame seeds can be consumed as is, prepared as Gomasio (Japanese & macrobiotic salt made with whole sesame seeds slightly toasted, natural salt & I add seed weeds), tahini (great for dressing salads) or sesame oil.

Read more:  Sesame Seeds   Flaxseeds

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